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Thursday, January 1, 2009

The start of year 2009. Hopes that everything wents well for the year of 2009. School started le. Nd to study again... For the 1st 2 weeks of school reopen, it has been quite slack. Only nd to attend some lessons. Yesterday went to my 1st aunt's house to count down. Haha! When we reached there, my cousin was nt at home yet. So my siblings and me help my 2nd aunt to wash her car. I've nv wash a car b4. Yesterday was my 1st experience. It was quite fun but tiring. Meanwhile, my cousin came back. Then we went into her house then started playing mahjong. Yesterday was nt my day. Kept losing money. Luckily nv pk. Then we ordered pizza for dinner. Yummy...! We ordered Hawaian and curry chicken pizza, garlic bread, spicy and honey chicken. After eating we continue playing mahjong till 10.30. Then we watched vivo countdown. My 1st aunt brought some muffins home and we ate for supper. We around 1pm then leave her house. Wishing all of u HappY 2009!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yesterday went BBQ at costa sand resort at pasir ris. It was my cousin's birthday. She invited us to chalet to BBQ. It was a 2-storey chalet. Ok la... But i tink tt the chalet look quite old. Compared to last time the chalet tt my family booked. She ordered a lot of food. She oso invited her friends. Her birthday cake was quite special. Cute cute type. Haha... She bought 1 big 1 so tt she can cut. Then bought many small ones. This is unlike other ppl's birthday where they bought a big cake then cut and give ppl to eat. The cake was not so nice. The outside coating was very sweet and the cake was a bit hard. End up left a lot of small cakes. Then my ah yi ask my mother pack some home. Near there, there are pasir ris beach, swimmming pool, and gt there ppl wedding leh. We around 10++ pm then leave the chalet. There are a lot of leftover food. Overall it was quite fun la...!
Friday, December 26, 2008

Having a fun christmas? Hmm... I have! Haha! I've spent my christmas eve and christmas at my first aunt's house. Again? So what? As long as it was fun! We went to her house to play mahjong!! LOL! My favourite! Luck has been quite good for this week. I've been winning money!! On christmas eve, i've won $25++. During christmas, i've won $18++. During christmas, i've come down with flu, thus nt able to concentrate well during the second half of the game. Or else i could have won more. Haiz... Such a pity! NVM la! At least gt win. HAha! Ate log cake during christmas eve. It was made by my cousin's dunno who. Nt bad la... Quite nice! On 24 Dec, which is christmas eve, we played till around 2pm then reach home since nxt day is christmas and the adults do nt nd to work. Here wishing everybody belated christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sun, 21dec, its dong zhi. Its a day where we get to eat tang yuan. The day b4, my siblings and me help me mother make tang yuan. Quite fun... Like playing with dough...HAhah! We wrab with peanut fillings. Dong zhi tt day, my mother nd to pray. SO i nd to wake up early to help me mother. Sianz... As usual, after praying, my uncle came to pack some food home. Then my mother gave some food to my neighbours. In the afternoon around 2.30pm, my second aunt called and ask me wan go my 1st aunt house or nt. Then i said ok! As my mother also wan give food to her. SO when went to her house. Actually we intended to go to gym 1 but end up playing mahjong. Like tt oso gd la. I've always been very lazy and slack. Hee... We played mahjong for the whole day. My sis won the most cos at a point of time, she won 6 tie. OMG! Almost all of us goin bankrupt. We then tried very hard to recoup our losses. But sadly, my sec aunt end up pk. We then played till around 11pm. Then packed up. On our way home, we discuss that we are a bit hungry so decided to go to Mac for supper. We ordered 2 sets of McWings meal and 1 set of McNuggets meal. We ate till around 12.45am. Reach home at around 1am. When reach home, feeling damn tired cos having up too early in the morning. But it was a fun day!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Haiz... This is the second week of the term break le. So fast.... Time passes.... At least i have a meaningful 1st week holiday. Mon, 15/12, my aunt brought me to Heng Heng to have earholes. OMG! It was so painful! After that went bowling with my family at mount faber safra. Play for abt 3-4 hrs. Then went to sakae sushi for dinner. We ordered a lot of food. End up paying around $100 plus. Wed, went to my another aunt house to play mahjong. Play till around 1am then reach home. Fri, went out with bj and kl to amk cathay to watch movie. We watched twilight. It was a nice movie. It's abt a vampire in love with a human and the vampire was trying not to hurt his love 1.

HI!!! Hmm... Testing out new blog.